One Acts Wow - News & Photos - McDonogh School-bet356

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One Acts Wow

Managing a large ensemble cast in not just one but two different shows is no easy feat, but Director Kate Barranco '19, Assistant Director Maya Pal '19, and Stage Manager Josh Mendelson '20 did so with aplomb in McDonogh's Winter One Acts on January 25 and 26.

The student-led performance featured Speed Date and Cut, two zany and wild one-act plays. Speed Date, by Janet Allard, took the audience on a giant journey in search of love as seventeen larger than life characters searched for their soulmate in a round-robin game of speed dating. Cut, by Ed Monk, was truly a whirlwind of a show, as a group of actors rehearsed a play within a play within a play. As the plot complications multiplied, the actors began to forget who was playing whom and who was the real director, leaving the audience as delightfully confused as the cast.