哲学 & 项目 - bet356体育投注 - McDonogh School-bet356

哲学 & 项目

opportunities grounded in values

A key component of McDonogh's athletic program is teaching and reinforcing in 球员 the values relating to wholesome competition, great 体育精神, 公平竞争.

It begins with our 教练 who set a good example for 球员 and spectators.

Treating officials as well as the opposing team’s 教练, 球员, and fans with respect is expected of all McDonogh constituents--球员, 教练, and parents--at all home and away competitions.

The Athletic Department encourages students to become members of teams, to be the best they can be, and to reach their personal potential.

Being a member of a team is a privilege. 学生 will learn life lessons such as how to work with a group, how to be selfless, how to persevere when things don’t go well, and how to be gracious winners and losers.

上学校 Program

McDonogh's athletic philosophy embraces the multi-sport concept. We believe that student participation in multiple sports not only contributes to personal well-being but also helps to sustain McDonogh's vibrant athletic program. 平均, 70% of 上学校 students actively participate on one or more of our 28 interscholastic teams, underscoring the widespread embrace of this holistic approach.

In most sports, we offer varsity and junior varsity teams. When student interest and numbers are high enough, we offer a third team. Sports that lend themselves easily to the possibility of a third team include boys and girls soccer, 篮球, 曲棍球, and girls lacrosse. We encourage students to go out for a team of their choice, and if that choice doesn’t work out, then try out for a different team.

中学 Program

团队合作, 体育精神, 健身, 安全, and fun are hallmarks of the 中学 athletics program, which provides students with additional opportunities to learn, 成长, 承担风险, and give their best effort. The friendships made and the experiences enjoyed in athletics provide many important LifeReady skills and create lasting memories. 

bet356体育投注 takes place during the last two periods of the school day. Fifth and sixth grade students participate in physical education classes where they learn the fundamental skills of both team and lifetime sports, while seventh and eighth grade students participate on interscholastic and intramural teams in a variety of sports each season. The interscholastic teams compete after school against other independent, public, and club teams.

团队 and 日程安排