Fourth Grade Collects Books for Children - News & Photos - McDonogh School-bet356

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Fourth Graders Advocate for Panamanian Peers

McDonogh’s fourth grade spent much of December learning about the inequities of educational opportunities available to children around the globe. They became advocates for the equal rights of children to quality education regardless of gender, socioeconomic status, or geographic location. As a result of their study, the Class of 2024 decided to take action by collecting books and school supplies to be donated to children in Panama.

The McDonogh students partnered with the International Book Bank, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing global literacy by sending brand new books to people in developing countries. Soon, the fourth grade’s contribution of more than 400 storybooks (in Spanish, of course) will leave the Port of Baltimore in a 20-foot container bound for Panama where Partners of the Americas will distribute the books to children in 37 locations.

On Tuesday, January 19, representatives of both organizations met with the students in the Kelly Center. They spoke about their collective mission, answered the students’ well-informed questions, and assisted them in packing boxes full of school supplies and books.

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